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Broadcast Media Jobs
All you need to know to land the job of your dreams: interview tips, how to apply, permanent and freelance. Some examples of our articles:
- Our guide to video interview do's and don'ts
- Our templates: CV's, covering letters, freelance contract template
- Media Jobs - The definitive guide: Media jobs are many and varied, which is why we at Frame 25 have put together this Definitive Guide on the subject – the ONLY resource you’ll need.
- CV advice: Looking at TV jobs? Job-hunting can be a daunting prospect so give yourself the best chance with a great CV. Six tips for you here, from Frame 25.
- A good covering letter makes your CV stand out. In marketing terms (you are, in effect, marketing yourself), it is your first opportunity for conversion. That is to say, you want to convert your reader from prospective employer to…
- Video editing jobs - permanent and freelance video editors ae wanted. The industry always needs more.
- In the field interviews: we asked our freelancers about their jobs
Our Guide to Successful Video Interviewing
Our guide to video interview do's and don'ts
Media Jobs: The Definitive Guide
Media jobs are many and varied, which is why we at Frame 25 have put together this Definitive Guide on the subject – the ONLY resource you’ll need.
Looking at TV jobs? CV advice for broadcast professionals
Looking at TV jobs? Job-hunting can be a daunting prospect so give yourself the best chance with a great CV. Six tips for you here, from Frame 25.
You’ve got a telephone interview or Skype call – read this
Frame 25 - Skyping and the telephone interview are increasingly preferred by companies to short-list candidates for face-to-face meetings.
Learn the Lost Art of the Covering Letter for broadcast jobs
A good covering letter makes your CV stand out. In marketing terms (you are, in effect, marketing yourself), it is your first opportunity for conversion.
Interviewing for media jobs: body language speaks volumes
First impression say it all in an interview. How can you make the best impression? Read on..
Frame 25 interviews: Simon Bradley, project manager
Frame 25 talks to Simon Bradley, a project manager, in the second of our interviews with broadcast engineering’s new breed.
Frame 25 interviews Jason Lynn, Freelance EVS Operator
Wondering what it’s like to be an EVS op? We speak to the person who knows.
Creative Media Jobs and How to Get One
An editor, two continuity announcers, a former runner and an executive share their insights, experience and advice on the more creative media and TV jobs – how to get one and how to get ahead. It’s true what they say…
Glossary of Terms for Video Editing Jobs
While the nature of video editing jobs remains largely static over time, the technology used by editors is constantly evolving so this list is not set in stone.
CV for Broadcast - Template
Frame 25 advice on how to create a CV for broadcast jobs, headlines of remit and bullet points detailing key achievements. More detail for recent roles...